The following packages was uploaded for IRIX 6.2
- gtk+ 1.2.10 (update)
- make 3.82 (update)
- xmms 1.2.10 (rebuild)
The following packages was uploaded for IRIX 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded for both IRIX 5.3 & 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded for Solaris 2.6 sparc & x86
In 2009 I rebuilt gcc 3.4.6 but unfortunately this also changed the libstdc++ ABI. I ignored it at the time and kept the libstdcxx7 support package with the old libstdc++ shared library as the current one.
After building GCC 4.5.3 packages it became clear that I would finally need to do something about that change from two years ago and so this update also contains a number of rebuilds of current packages.
What this means is that the new libstdcxx7 support package is not ABI compatible going from release 7-6 to 7-7 but release 7-7 (gcc 3.4.6 rebuild) and 7-8 (gcc 4-5.3) are compatible. If you have self-built software requiring the old ABI then you will have to rebuild that software before you can start using the gcc packages.
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 5.3
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 5.3
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 5.3 & 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded for Solaris 2.6 sparc & x86
The following packages have been uploaded for both IRIX 5.3 & 6.2