The tgcware buildsystem and the package definitions for tgcware for IRIX has been released as opensource under a GPLv3 license.
You can clone the sources from here:
buildpkg is the buildsystem and tgcware-for-irix contains the package definitions.
The tgcware buildsystem and the package definitions for tgcware for IRIX has been released as opensource under a GPLv3 license.
You can clone the sources from here:
buildpkg is the buildsystem and tgcware-for-irix contains the package definitions.
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 5.3
The following package have been uploaded for IRIX 6.2
Beware that the gnutls update is not ABI compatible with the old 1.2.11 release and it will break a few existing packages that I haven’t rebuilt yet (lftp, pidgin, libetpan & claws-mail).
The following packages have been uploaded for IRIX 5.3
The following packages have been uploaded for both Irix 5.3 and 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded for both Irix 5.3 and 6.2
Additionally the following packages was uploaded for Irix 6.2
The following packages have been uploaded
The following packages have been uploaded
The following packages have been uploaded